20 December 2006

Christmas trees, presents, and beaches...

After an intense 2-3 months we have earned a well deserved break, and where better to kick up our heels and relax with a bottle or two of Red Stripe but the Caribbean.

So at 6AM tomorrow morning your favorite ex-pats will take the following journey...
--1 hour to Heathrow airport
--3 hours waiting for flight
--10 hour flight
--4 hour layover
--3 hour flight
--10 days doing not a damn thing except relaxing
in a place not all that different from this...

Just like Warner Wolf (who?), let's look at the top stories from the past 2-3 months. Let's go to the video tape...

10. Eating Ghanian food in London Fields market, hot cider in Borough market, olives in Spitafield's market...
9. Becoming proficient at the 2 finger salute - and learning where it comes from
8. Finally getting TV (after 2 months) and watching the Bears clinch home-field advantage
7. Blind dates with other ex-pat couples
6. Creating a home
5. Learning that we need to avoid the spicy Thai place down the road
4. The ongoing search to find our local
3. First European trip to Ireland - the mother land (at least for one of us)
2. First Thanksgiving as Mr. and Mrs. and in the UK - Turkey and stuffing with the Hill siblings
1. Re-uniting after 5 weeks apart (not a chapter in the newlywed book)

Until 2007 we remain, your favorite ex-pats. Happy Christmas, have a safe and merry new year.

--Brian and Kirsten


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